TIS - Thompson Intermediate School (TIS) concluded its week-long EL (English Learners) Summer Camp with resounding success. From June 10th to June 14th, the camp averaged 80 students each day. The theme for 2024: "Olympics- Believe and Achieve: Empowering our ELs to be Champions!"
The EL Summer Camp empowered students to learn skills and enhance vocabulary proficiency through the reinforcement of WIDA and EL standards, in addition to extra attention on ALSDE state-level curricular/learning standards. This all enabled students to build capacity and work with one another.
Each camp day was themed, including Tuesday's "Your Future is Bright as the Olympic Torch" (students wore bright colors and sunglasses) and Wednesday's "TEAM Day" (students wore team jerseys).
Various ACS EL and general education teachers participated in this year's camp, which was led by Mrs. Mandy Heatherly.