Many important dates lie ahead for Thompson Middle School as the summer months continue:
July 8: Online registration and payment process begins. Parents will receive an email from with a link to begin the registration process. All registration can
be completed online. For anyone who needs an alternative to online payments and must pay in person, please
call the main office at 205-685-8100 to make an appointment.
• Proofs of Residence: Proof of residence will be part of the online registration process. You will be prompted to
provide one primary proof of residence during the online registration process. ACS will only allow an Alabaster
Water bill (including a service address and the date the service was established, which must be within the last 30
days), a lease with all residents listed and signed by the property owner, or a mortgage statement in the name
of the custodial parent or legal guardian. For affidavits, we will not allow an affidavit on leased properties - the
parent will need to be added to the lease. Parents will also have to have proof of the affidavit’s address such as
their driver's license or vehicle registration. All affidavits will have to be notarized. Affidavits will be completed
by appointment at the Central Office. Call 205-663-8400 to schedule an appointment.
• Payments: All registration payments must be made in order for a student to receive a locker. Locker locations
are given out based on student schedules. Top lockers will be given out first and given to students based on
their registration payment time stamp.
• 6
th Grade Immunization: The Tdap vaccine is required for all students age 11 or older entering the 6th grade. All
th graders will need to bring an updated immunization record to Warrior Day. You can drop this off with the
school nurse.
• Student Schedules: Student schedules, including the order of courses and class periods as well as instructors,
will be available for all students who have completed the registration and payment process. Student schedules
will be available for viewing online in August through PowerSchool, specific dates to be announced later in the
summer. Student schedules may be held if proper registration procedures have not been followed, payments
have not been made, and/or other administrative holds have been initiated (i.e. attendance/truancy issues,
proof of residence, etc.). Any and all of the above requirements must be fulfilled in order to receive student
• August 2: Warrior Day - Specific times and more detailed information will be communicated later this summer,
as we move closer to the event. Students and parents will be able to walk their schedules, meet and greet with
teachers, etc. during this event.
• August 8: First day of school for the 2024-2025 School Year.
During the summer, e-mail reminders and notifications will be sent to students and parents, as well as website and
social-media posts, regarding the above items, deadlines, and events. While this is the current plan for returning to
school, should there be any date changes, we will notify you through email and the TMS website.